1) die("Invalid request. Possible spam."); #print_r($_POST); die(); $msg = "Labdien!\nVēlos saņemt theatre.lv ziņas savā\nVārds: $_POST[name]\nNodarbošanās: $_POST[job]\nVecums: ".$mAges[$_POST["age"]]."\nEpasts: $_POST[email]\nKomentāri: $_POST[comments]"; mail("contact@theatre.lv", "theatre.lv zinu pieprasijums", $msg, "From: $vars[email]\r\n" . "Reply-To: $vars[email]\r\n" . "Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\n" . "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion()); while (list($key, $val) = each($mTopics)){ if($_POST["checkArr"][$key] == "true") $subs[] = $key; } $query = "insert into maillist(name, job, age, email, subscribe, comments) values('$_POST[name]', '$_POST[job]', $_POST[age], '$_POST[email]', '".implode("|", $subs)."', '$vars[comments]')"; mysql_query($query); header("Location: index.php?parent=nl&paldies=1"); } $dig = dig($vars["parent"]); if($vars["parent"] == "register") $contents = register(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "register_done") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "activated") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "act_failed") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "pw_changed") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "pw_renewd") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "finalized") $contents = thank_after_done(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "finalize") $contents = finalize(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "media"){ // include SolmetraUploader class include './uploader/SolmetraUploader.php'; // Instantiate the class $solmetraUploader = new SolmetraUploader( './uploader', // a base path to Flash Uploader's directory (relative to the page) [optional] 'upload.php', // path to a file that handles file uploads (relative to uploader.swf) [optional] './uploader/config.php' // path to a server-side config file (relative to the page) [optional] ); $fu = $solmetraUploader->getInstance( 'mfile', // the name of the field 350, // width of the Uploader control (optional) 20, // height of the Uploader control (optional) false, // required field (true/false) (optional) false, // hijack form (recommended) 'uploader.xml' // let's use different front-end config file than specified in the config.php ); $contents = str_replace("##flash_uploader##",$fu,media_upload()); } elseif($vars["parent"] == "pi") $contents = user_personal_form(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "li") $contents = list_applicants(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "pw") $contents = pwd(); elseif($vars["parent"] == "pwr"){ if($_POST){ include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/securimage/securimage.php'; $securimage = new Securimage(); if ($securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']) == false) { die('The code you entered was incorrect. Go back and try again.'); } } $contents = pw_renew(); } else $contents = contents($vars["parent"]); //echo $vars["parent"]; ?>  F.I.T.

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